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Advertise to consumers of American and Canadian beer, wine and spirits in the places where your product is distributed.

No commitment, No subscription, No usage fees, No minimum investment.


Our platform 100% self-serviceĀ offers the possibility of broadcasting your advertisements according to the places frequented by wine and spirits consumers: SAQ, LCBO, beer store, BCLDB, IGA, Metro, Liquor stores, Whole foods, Restaurants, Trade fairs/Tastings…

Our system identifies the different devices (e.g.: tablet, computer, telephone) of the visitors captured and analyzes the best advertising placements based on their online consumption habits.

Based on this information, your digital advertisements (banners, videos, etc.) are optimized using our artificial intelligence and displayed to consumers of American and Canadian wines and spirits captured in targeted locations.

Use cases


Retarget your own
customers to work on loyalty
and retention.

Ex. Target your Top 50
stores or your 20 worst
performing stores (SAQ,
LCBO, beer store, BCLDB,
IGA, Metro, Whole foods,


Target trade show/tasting
attendees and then measure
physical conversion in nearby
Ex: Saguenay Wine Festival,
Chambly Beer Festival


Make sure you identify the
target audience you want to
reach and start making a list of
places they frequent regularly.
Ex: Golf courses, gourmet
restaurants for a more upscale
clientele (wine at $25+, whisky
at $100+,…)

Measure physical conversions

This 100% self-service advertising tool, unique on the market, offers the ability to precisely measure the number of in-store visits it generates, as well as accurately calculate the return on investment (ROI) of your drive-to- store campaigns

  • Design your campaigns without any
    intermediary in just a few clicks
  • Training offered free of charge
  • Access to real-time statistics
  • 70% SocialDrink Geo
  • 30% Google Ads
  • 0% Facebook Ads

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Legal aspect

The practice of GeoMarketing is perfectly legal and is subject to very strict regulations on a global scale. At SocialDrink geo, we are committed to not only meeting these regulations, but surpassing them.

Data collection is overseen by entities such as Privacy Shield and TrustE, ensuring our compliance with privacy and data collection standards in Canada, Europe and the United States.

Additionally, our technology complies with the most rigorous standards set by the following organizations:

  • DAA (Digital Advertising Alliance)
  • DAAC (Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada)
  • NAI (Network Advertising Initiative)
  • IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau)
  • TAG (Trustworthy Accountability Group)

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